The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.10: It’s Bonding Time!



“I…don’t know what you want, Isobel…”


Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! It wouldn’t be an update from this family without a starving toddler in it! 😛 This is the final day of BoolProp’s SimNaWriMo event, and this update is #7 for the month, which means I’ll wind up with a silver medal! Huzzah! Last time…well, it was pretty much entirely birthdays. Natalie and Puzzle aged into adults, Mabel became a teenager, Rowena became a child, and Isobel here had her toddler birthday!

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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.9: Sparkles Everywhere


Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! It’s the final push for SimNaWriMo, and we are at update #6. Let’s see what these wacky Sims will get up to this time!

In the last chapter Elaine was a great big sister, Natalie drank a lot, Elaine and Hector went to prom, and Puzzle gave birth to the final child of this generation, another daughter named Isobel.

After hearing the horrendous sounds coming out of Callie and Heimrich’s en-suite bathroom, the family took refuge in the garage. When they learned that Puzzle had given birth to another healthy baby girl, the crowd went wild.


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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.8: Old People Woohoo


Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! I’m still going for silver in Boolprop’s SimNaWriMo event, and this is post #5! Will I make it to 7 posts by Halloween? Who knows! (Probably not… 😦 )

Last time Elaine aged into a teenager, Natalie hosted Elaine’s birthday party and later attended a party at Deangelo’s place, and Rowena aged into a toddler!

This time we’re kicking things off with some wonderful OLD PEOPLE WOOHOO! Unlike the mysterious shower Woohooers in the last chapter, I know this is Callie and Heimrich going at it because of the tattoos on Heimie’s arm. 😉

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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.7: The Finest Young Minds of Bridgeport


Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! It’s looking like I’m going to fall short of my SimNaWriMo goal of seven updates in October, but I CAN STILL TRY. This is update number four for the contest, so maybe – just maybe – I can crap out a total of seven updates by Monday.

This time we’re picking up with Elaine’s teen birthday – yup, Elaine, and NOT Mabel as I believe I said at the end of last chapter, I’ve changed it and that’ll teach me to never crap out an update before work again – and it looks like we have some party planning happening.

“We need to have a party, Callie. She’s our oldest daughter! She’s not our little girl anymore!”

“Hmm? Do whatever you want, Puzzle. I’m just enjoying my food!”

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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.6: Feed Your Children


Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! I may have wasted like…two weeks during Boolprop’s SimNaWriMo event because of real life (that’d be Thanksgiving, a concert, and busy times at work) but we’re still going strong here, and I’m hoping we can finish Generation Five before the end of the month.

Last time all the kids aged up, everyone partied, and Heimrich forgot to put clothes on. Oh, and Natalie found out she was pregnant with her fourth child. She’s now rolling wishes for the correct gender too!

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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.5: He Remembered His Pants


Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! I’m really pushing myself to post as many updates as possible thanks to Boolprop’s SimNaWriMo event, so here’s some more wackiness. Last time Hector aged into a child, Elaine aged into a toddler, Callie went clubbing with Frankie, Heimrich was still stuck with all the childcare, and Natalie and Puzzle had some crazy Woohoo and produced a third offspring, another daughter named Mabel.

This time we’ll start things off with a nice promotion for Puzzle! She so desperately wanted to be promoted, so hopefully this will satsify her – Ambitious Sims, am I right?

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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.4: Secret Softie


“Good job, Hector! You’re getting so big. Soon Mommy’s not going to be able to pick you up!”


“Aww, relax buddy. That won’t be for a while!”

Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! It’s been far too long, but I’ve been planning this next series of updates for a while. Over at Boolprop, we started a month-long story writing contest dubbed SimNaWriMo – the gist of it is that you try to update your Sims story as many times as possible in October. I’m going for either the bronze prize (3 updates) or the silver prize (7 updates), as I have around 7-8 updates left before this generation is over! I figured this competition would be a good kick in the pants to get me updating again, and if it sounds like something you might be interested in, you can check it out over here.

Last time everyone partied, Heimrich got stuck with all the childcare despite disliking children, and Natalie and Puzzle had their second child, a daughter named Elaine.

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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.3: Just Drinking and Ruining Everything


“….I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! I’m very sorry it’s taken me forever to get this post out – life has been very busy. I would not recommend adulthood. Avoid it if you can.

Last time, Natalie discovered she was pregnant, she married Puzzle in a quick bedroom ceremony, and they welcomed their first child, a son named Hector. I’m sure Callie and Heimrich did stuff too, but obviously the baby is the most important thing. 😉 Let’s see what the family is up to now.

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The Scatterday Matriarchy 5.2: Never Call Me ‘Wifey’



Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! Last time Natalie here took over as heiress for Generation Five, she and her girlfriend Puzzle graduated, and the happy couple were plagued by various celebrity scandals. Callie and Heimrich also aged into elders. Looks like today we’re starting off with an angry Nat taking out her frustrations on the drums. Why is she angry?

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