The Scatterday Matriarchy 4.1: Woohoo and the City


Welcome back to the Scatterday Matriarchy! Yes, I am updating again after…oh, it’s only been about a week. Well, I have some precious downtime once again, so that means it’s time to sit on my patio, drink a beer, and craft an update! Last time, the triplets aged into Young Adults, graduated, and the family moved to Bridgeport where the girls will start off their new adventures as adults…..on an empty lot…

Well, this certainly won’t do.


I am an idiot and I didn’t take a picture of the entirety of their new house, but the Scatterdays are now living in The Legacy Home by stonee206, which I downloaded from MTS. It’s a beautiful house, and there are plenty of pictures at the link, but I still had to make a few modifications. This is Callie’s room, and it needed a bit of a makeover. It will be black and white until her future husband moves in, then the white will be changed to his favourite colour.



Griselda and Angelo’s room is really two of the smaller bedroom smooshed together, so that they can have a little reading nook.


I left the rest of the house as is, except for the nursery, which I expanded by also smooshing together two smaller rooms. Everyone seemed to make themselves at home pretty quickly. Angelo quickly made his way to the home gym in the basement.


Couch Potato Frankie plopped herself down on the couch to watch some TV (I believe she actually had a wish for it).

“Shh! Bridgeport has a different guy hawking shit on the home shopping channel! This is incredibly interesting!”



Callie and Josie ventured into Bridgeport’s downtown core and landed themselves jobs in their LTW careers. Callie’s LTW is Distinguished Director, so she’s in the film career, obviously. In the comments for last chapter somebodysangel13 pointed out that I hadn’t mentioned Josie’s LTW, even though she rolled it as a teen! I could have sworn I took a picture of it, but Josie’s LTW is Star News Anchor. Can’t you just picture her as a snobby, yet slightly intoxicated morning show host?


Griselda was…hey, why are you by the mailbox?! You just moved in! You can’t possibly have bills yet!


“HA! Take that you lousy do-gooders, trying to stop idiots who don’t know how to get out of a pool without a ladder. If you don’t know how to exit a pool without a ladder, then you deserve to drown!”

Ah, undermining the pool ladder charity, then. Carry on.


“Hmph! I can’t believe Frankie wants to sit around and watch this crap all day long! I need to get out of here and find some real people, interested in real pursuits.”


…and so, Josie left the nest. She’s got a job, so she’ll be fine, and I want as much house space as possible for babies, whenever they come.


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Frankie eventually got herself a job in film via the family computer. And of course, her new boss heartfarted her.

I’m shuddering thinking of all the casting couch bullshit poor Frankie might have to go through. 😦


“Yo, you got an apartment for rent? I’m outta here.”

Frankie also moved out, off to face the sane world of Bridgeport on her own.

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These pop-ups appeared mere hours after she moved out, so she’ll be fine. Gurrrrlllll yiss.


The next morning, Griselda made the hew house a little more homey with inaugural house waffles!


“Mmmm…waffles! I bet they taste only half as good as you do.”

“Oh, Angelo! Will you still be saying that when I’m old and crusty?”

“Yes. Always.”

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…oh, it actually wasn’t a rhetorical question this time.

I don’t know if I’m crushed that Grissy is getting old, or really looking forward to her cranky old lady antics.


“Mmm…oh, I can taste maple syrup in your beard…”

“Why don’t you lick it off for me?”

“Ew. I mean, I’m happy that you still love each other and all, but get a room, you guys!”

“Oh! That’s a great idea, Callie!”


They got a room. They got a room, alright. They got Callie’s ensuite, of literally all the showers and/or beds they could have gotten in this house. Pervs.


If that wasn’t bad enough…

“Oh my husband’s rod is the hardest rod, the best rod for the job….”

Yup. Post-Woohoo songs in her underwear. In her daughter’s bedroom. After Woohooing in her daughter’s ostensibly private shower.


I really don’t blame Callie for wanting to get out of the house as quickly as possible.

“I gotta stay late. Gotta work OT. Gotta buy every bottle of bleach in the city to scrub down my shower.”

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Word of Griselda’s Post-Woohoo ditties and prominence in the art world spread quickly in Bridgeport. I’m pretty sure she was buying a bunch of replacement books for the family.


I didn’t play Bridgeport much before the Scatterdays moved here, so I’m still finding little things about it that make me happy. Like these pigeons! Look at how adorable they are, chilling on some blurry cement my computer refused to load properly!


Anyway, Griselda made it back from the bookstore just in time to age up! And yes, she’s in Callie’s private bathroom. Again.

“Private doesn’t really mean anything!”

Apparently not, in this household.


“Oh shit, can I stop this? I don’t want to be old!”

I can’t stop it, but you do get the ability to wave a cane around and yell at people now.



And so, Griselda aged up with little fuss, except for…

“Fix this. NOW.”


“That’s better.”

“Grissy? You had your birthday?”

“Yes, honey.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I wanted to be here for you.”


“Oh, I don’t know. I don’t like getting older. I thought I could just get crusty then be on my merry way. Do you forgive me?”

“Of course, sweetie. I understand completely. And don’t you worry, I’m not going anywhere.”


Callie didn’t attend her mother’s birthday because she was out here, giving herself a two hour long pep talk before going inside.

“…and then I’ll tell her ‘Hey, you can’t just Woohoo here, that’s my shower!’ and then she’ll be like ‘Okay sweetie, that’s your space!’ and then I’ll kick her ass! Yeah!”


Inappropriate Woohoo spots aside, the family is settling into the new house nicely. Angelo took the initiative to keep the house clean, mostly because I forgot to hire a maid.


Callie took over breakfast duties, and made even more waffles.

“If I use sour milk in these waffles, will Mom and Dad stay out of my bathroom? Only one way to find out, I guess!”


Griselda didn’t contribute much, instead choosing to start a new novel while wearing her underwear.


Well, she did that until she complained about being Stir Crazy. Then she was promptly sent to check out Bridgeport’s art gallery.

Instead of looking at the pretty pictures, Griselda decided to pick a fight with this Chinese tourist.

“Back in my day, Chinese men knew ALL the words to Ping and His Checkers! My father was from China! He taught me all those old songs, and it’s simply unacceptable that you don’t know them!”

“Uh….I don’t know what you’re talking about…why are you yelling at me?”

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Despite the negativity, they still have the hots for each other. -_-


Luckily Griselda’s marriage is under no threat.

“Ew, you’re good?! What’s the point of you, then?!”

“You’re evil?! Ugh, this is a waste of time!”

Also, Grissy lost her cane privileges after this because it glitched and became permanently stuck to her hand….which is why the cane is sticking straight out of her hand here.


Obviously, after that unpleasantness, it was time for a drink. Which inevitably leads to more unpleasantness.

“Wow, you have huge, uh, tracts of land. I’ve never seen them that big before! Nobody had huge tracts of land in Riverview!”

“Okay, you’re officially cut off.”


Angelo did not pick fights with tourists and make lewd comments to bartenders. Instead he completed an Athletic skill opportunity at the stadium, then stood outside reading a book until I found him. He’s such a good Sim.


I love Bridgeport’s cityscape. The bridge across the water is so cool!

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Callie got her first promotion!

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Frankie and Josie were promoted too!


Callie figured that she deserved a night on the town, so she went over to Waylon’s Haunt for some dinner, drinks, and husband-hunting!

“Man, these are some good onion rings! Hey, anyone ever told you that you have huge….tracts of land? We don’t have tracts of land that huge in Riverview!”

“I’m not serving you anymore.”

“I’m not even drunk, though!”

“Fine, you can have ONE drink if you apologize and tip me well.”


Sadly, the only guy to show up was this fellow, Lenny Shutter, and Callie decided that she wasn’t attracted to him.

“Sorry man, you just don’t light me up like a bulb.”

“…We met three seconds ago.”


“Hey, I’m sorry I mentioned your huge tracts of land. Here’s $50. Can I have a drink now?”

“Sure you can, just…oops! You just won’t have that one!”

“This bartender worries me.”

I know, random townie lady. She worries me too.


The bar wasn’t a total bust. Callie got to do some dumpster diving after the place closed!

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She found some cool stuff.


Griselda descended into elder wackiness much fasted than I anticipated. She got her cane back, and started yelling at the furniture.

“I hate that chair. It wronged me. How dare it be green?!”


The newest part of Griselda’s morning routine is playing guitar in the front yard in her underpants.

“Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They’ll tell you I’m insane,
But I’ve got a blank space, baby
And I’ll write your name!”

I bet the celebrity neighbours must be SO GLAD they moved in.


Angelo continues to be a good Sim, wearing clothes and using his maxed Handiness skill to upgrade all of the plumbing.

“Do do do…my wife is totally NOT outside in her underpants singing Taylor Swift….”


Callie wisely escaped to work, then extended her escape by visiting the Bridgeport Sports Zone for happy hour.


…and right at the door, she met this handsome fella, bouncer Heimrich Shimmy.

“Hi, I’m Callie! I like your tattoos! Can I go in?”

“Uh, hi Callie. Name’s Heimrich. People don’t usually introduce themselves to me.”


“They don’t? That’s dumb. It’s not like you’re scary or anything. You’re just….really good-looking.”

“Aww, thanks. Most young gals don’t think of going for an old fogey like me!”


“Ooooh, that means you’re single, right?!”

“Uh, yeah, but you could do much better than me…”

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“….though I guess I would be interested, if you were…”


“Aww, you’re like a big old tough butterfly! Nobody ever suspects the butterfly!”

“Heeheehee….Uh…I mean, ha. Manly ha.”


Heimrich just had to buy Callie a drink after that exchange, much to the bartender’s dismay.

“Heimrich? Why aren’t you guarding the door? We can’t have those dangerous vampires sneaking in again!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I needed to buy this lovely young lady a drink.”


Things got worse when Heimrich’s manager stepped in.

“Look, I think it’s great that you have to hots for ol’ Heimie, but he’s on the clock, and we need him to guard the door. Have a date on your own time!”

“But he’s just so handsome….”

“No. Not now. Heimie, get back to work!”


“Aww, I’m sorry they ended our date and kicked me out. Can I call you some other time, when you’re not working? I think you’re a real winner!”

“Of course, Callie. I’d like that. You’re very weird, but very sweet. I need more of that in my life.”

“I’ll call you in the morning! Goodnight, Heimrich.”


“Oh Heimrich, what are you doing?! Chasing after a girl half your age…but she is pretty great. We’ll see where this goes, but I don’t want her wasting time with an old fart like me.”


Unaware of Heimrich’s doubts, Callie was ecstatic as she drove home. The lights on the bridge seemed more beautiful than ever.

That’s it for this chapter of the Scatterday Matriarchy. Next chapter: more Heimrich! Thanks for reading. 🙂

7 thoughts on “The Scatterday Matriarchy 4.1: Woohoo and the City

  1. Lol, Grissy is indeed a fun old lady; I wonder what the inevitable paparazzi are going to think of her underwear song routine? Looking forward to seeing how Callie goes with the whole celebrity thing; I know that’s a part of the Film career, and haven’t see too many legacy sims go through it.

    • Elderhood is where Grissy’s Inappropriate trait really starts to shine! Callie does indeed do some celebrity stuff, but it actually didn’t affect her job too much. Someone in Generation 5 (Callie’s kids) gets caught up in the world of celebrity, and that’s when I learned it’s actually really, really annoying to raise celebrity levels after a certain point. >_< Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Frankie and Matthew Hamming! He’s one of the few sims I know by name in Bridgeport. Impressive!

    Grissy and Angelo continue to be cute.

    I’m very curious about this match between Callie and a middle-aged biker-looking bouncer dude with a terrible beard. I suspect there may be another youth potion in the making. Heimrich (really? with an m?) certainly isn’t face one. He looks like an EA original.

    • Frankie has better taste in men than I thought! Matthew seems to be a good fit for her.

      I have seriously never had a Sim couple follow each other around, autonomously make out, and Woohoo as much as Grissy and Angelo. I think they’re adorable, but I wouldn’t want to live with them. 😛

      Aww, Heimrich has a great beard! Remember, Callie is Insane so if her partner choice seems weird…well…yeah. I just published another chapter, so you can see more of Heimrich there. He is an EA original, and he even has a Sims wiki page in his honour. And yeah…Heimrich with an M. I’m just pronouncing like Heinrich except…you know, with an M. :/ WTF, EA. WTF.

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